DuoCam establishes and discloses this privacy policy to protect and efficiently handle complaints related to the protection of personal information, pursuant to Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information) The purpose of processing personal information in the personal information file registered and disclosed by DuoCam under Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act is as follows:

Article 2 (Items of Personal Information Processed) ① DuoCam does not process any personal information.

Article 3 (Status of Personal Information Files) ① DuoCam does not use or store personal information files, cookies, etc.

Article 4 (Period of Processing and Retaining Personal Information) ① DuoCam does not use or store personal information files, cookies, etc. Therefore, there is no content or retention period for processing user's personal information.

Article 5 (Matters Concerning the Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties) ① DuoCam does not provide personal information to third parties.

Article 6 (Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing) ① DuoCam does not outsource the processing of personal information.

Article 7 (Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects and Their Legal Representatives and Methods of Exercise) ① DuoCam does not use or store personal information files, cookies, etc.

Article 8 (Destruction of Personal Information) ① DuoCam does not store personal information on a separate server as an independent application. Therefore, the information subject can delete all data by deleting the application if desired.